He Is Not Here

He is not here…”

As I reflected on that short phase, I realized I have had expectations about Jesus and finding He was not there.

I’ve often stopped short, because of my own personal need to hear, and heed the rest of the truth,  “He has risen.“ That violated expectation has kept me in bondage from experiencing the depth of God’s love, power and promise.

When I finally submit to the work of the Holy Spirit, I am invited deeper into the empty tomb of God being greater, and more amazing than my expectations.

In what situation or relationship are you being impacted by Jesus was not where you expected Him to be? Can you think back to those situations in relationships in which Jesus became more than your expectations?

Can you specifically identify the attitude keeping you in the place of, “He is not here.” Can you be honest with God and confess the attitude?



When God Says No


The Crux of the Christian Life